Friday, 2 December 2011

The Reasons Why I Create This Blog... ^_^

Hello gegirls and boboys!~... ^_^v

You might wonder, why do i create this blog, and why now?.. ^_^?

All this while, i had this urge (since 2008) to create a blog for myself. Not for the sake of gaining fame, but i see it as someway to ventilate my feelings or tenses that i have. But i guess this is the right day and date to do my first writing - Thursday, 1 December 2011...*flips telekung DVF*... ^^B

This urge to write was also had become intense with encouragement from my twitter-cum-IRL-friends. They are @aphize, @AdindaLiyana, and ... this particular person whom i can't mention for that i have hurted this person's heart so much...

Ok. Talking about 'that person', this blog should be kind of our diary of life. But, due to some misunderstanding, it will never happen...

Will always love you. I can't lie to myself... T_____T

Till the urge to write comes again! Toodles!~... ^_~


  1. cakkkk! thank you...never thought I could inspired you..hahahaha..omeylah blog awakkkk!

  2. LOL!.. Your most welcome Yana! Well, just consider yourself as one of my mentors, ok?.. By the way, chomel kah? Celah mana tu, habaq mai? Hehehe... ^^B



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