Haa. Siap reminder kat Calendar lagi ualls!..
So what should I prepare for the occasion? What should I buy as the gift?.. Ntah laa...
Perhaps I will bake and cook him his all-time favorite banana cake and nasi goreng nenas. Tapi kalau tak larat or malas, beli jer kek kat Resepi Rahsia. Habis cerita. Tak perlu nak berembes ketiak kat dapur. LOL...
Bila ada kek, mesti ada surprise-surprise kan? Aku nak suruh semua adik-beradik aku balik sesenyap. Suruh jugak diorang bebuat tak ingatkan birthday dia, including my mom. She's quite good at surprises... So, we'll wait until he's home from his usual prayers at the nearest mosque, and "SURPRISE!" him as soon as he entered the house... Yeah. What a lame idea. LOL...
Here comes the trickiest part in any birthday celebration; the present. I'm not sure whether to buy him a new clothe or a new sandal. Or perhaps a new handphone, though he's not into gadgets. I just can't decide...
Gambar sekadar hiasan sajor. LEULZ...
*deep sigh*
Selamat hari jadi Abah. Semoga sentiasa bahagia di sana, di bawah kasih sayang dan rahmatNya. Will always love you deep in my heart though you aren't around anymore...
Al-Fatihah... :'|
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